$8.9 Billion Settlement Against J&J for Talc Clients

J&J Talc Settlement Watts Guerra


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The Interplay Between Mass Tort and Class Action Litigation at Settlement

Mass torts and class actions have many similarities, so it can be easy to get the two confused. The main difference between mass torts and class actions is how individuals are joined in the two types of litigation. In mass torts, legal counsel sign-up individuals who have been injured or have sustained damages from the same event or occurrence. In comparison, class actions have a class representative that legal counsel represents on behalf of a class of people injured from the same event or occurrence.

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Does a Divorce Have an Impact on my Case/Settlement Proceeds?

During a divorce you and your former spouse are dividing property and assets, but what if you also have a court case? Do you have to divide any of your case proceeds or settlement?  Determining if a divorce will impact your case or settlement proceeds begins with determining whether you live in a community property state or non-community property state. Whether your state is a community property or a non-community property state determines how a court will characterize property in the event of divorce.

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