Can You Sue for Future Personal Injuries After an Accident?

For many reasons, accidents may cause personal injuries that do not arise directly after the time of the incident. Increased energy or shock may mask pain, mental anguish may take time to understand, and physical injuries like back pain or reduced range of motion may develop and worsen over many months.[1]

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What Is a Responsible Third Party and How Can It Affect My Claim?

What Is a Responsible Third Party and How Can It Affect My Claim?

A “responsible third party” is defined as “any person who is alleged to have caused or contributed to causing in any way the harm for which recovery of damages is sought, whether by negligent act or omission, by any defective or unreasonably dangerous product, by other conduct or activity that violates any applicable legal standard, or by any combination of these.”[1]  As such, its application casts a broad net over virtually all forms of personal injury litigation.

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What is a Statute of Limitations?

What is a Statute of Limitations?

A statute of limitations sets a specific amount of time following an injury or accident for a person or company to file a lawsuit and seek a remedy. Once the time specified by the statute has passed, a claim concerning the accident or injury is barred.

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