5 things to consider when choosing a law school

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Law School

One of the major decisions that shapes your career as an attorney is where you decide to attend law school. That school is your “home” for the next three or more years of your life. It influences the area of focus that you practice in, leads you to job opportunities once you graduate, and can determine how long you are in debt once you obtain your degree.

Choosing a law school should be based on a variety of factors, not just the law school ranking. To help make that tough decision a little easier, we gathered together 5 important things you should consider when you are choosing where you want to attend law school.

5 things to consider when choosing a law school

1. Cost

Pursuing higher education is not for the faint of heart. It requires extreme dedication, commitment, and for most people – an incursion of debt. A specialty degree, like a Juris Doctorate, requires students to dig deep into their pockets to further their education.

When considering a law school, one of the factors that you should take into account is the cost of the law school that you choose. The average annual cost of law school is $41,726 according to U.S. News. To help manage this large cost, we recommend creating a budget range that you would like to stay in. When factoring in your budget for law school do not forget to include any scholarships you might be eligible for as well as the cost of living in the area of the school. It is easy to get hung up on the tuition number causing you to forget to factor in living, grocery, transportation, and utility bills. So, when acceptance letters start to arrive, utilize the complete cost of attending as a factor for choosing which school is the right fit for you.

2. Culture

The culture of a law school will help shape your experience to either foster or inhibit your success. It is extremely important to do your research and tour your potential schools so you can make sure that it checks off all of the qualities you deem important for your experience. Here are some cultural factors to consider:

– Size of the school

– Competitiveness

– Status of the student body

Are they mostly full-time, part-time, online, or commuters?

– Online community

This factor is extremely important, especially while we are still in a pandemic. Law school is hard, so having a supportive online community willing to help one another could help bolster your success.

– Mentoring opportunities

– Alumni involvement

Active involvement from alumni can provide students with greater opportunities in and out of law school.

– Bar Exam

One of the most important factors to consider is the bar passage rate for the law school. Three years of taking law school classes are a waste of time if the school is doing a poor job of adequately preparing its students for the bar exam.

– Ranking

Ranking always seems to be the first focus for many students but it should only be a portion of the consideration!

3. Location

Law school is a (minimum) three-year commitment and because you will be immersed in the city where the school is located, it is important to consider the environment that surrounds you. Consider the geographic location of the school. For example, if you cannot handle harsh winters, do not apply to schools located in the North. Do you prefer the city or do you prefer a smaller town atmosphere? Do you need to be close to family or are you ready to forge your own path? On top of those location factors, think about where you want to live once you graduate and in which state you want to practice law. These are just a few questions based on location that can help make that decision.

5 Things to Consider When Choosing A Law School

4. Practice Interests

Not all law schools are the same! Different schools specialize in different areas. Some programs are offered at certain universities while others do not offer them. Find a school that excels in the area of practice that interests you. However, make that only a small factor in your decision-making because it is more than likely your interests will change as you are exposed to more areas in the legal field.

5. Support

Law school is an intensive program that is meant to prepare students for becoming an attorney. You will be handed more assignments and tasks than you could imagine to help weed out those who cannot handle the challenge of higher education and the future demands of the job. They are not setting you up for failure, but sometimes it sure feels like it. That is why when you are considering law schools you need to take into account the support system at the university. Law schools have academic support systems that can include orientation classes, workshops, exam preparation, legal writing seminars, and bar prep initiatives. Do your research and see if the schools you are interested in offer similar programs.

Be sure to also reach out to recent alumni and connect with them as they are the ones who can provide first-hand experience on the school. Be sure to ask them what their favorite and least favorite experiences were with the school, which professors they recommend, and any other programs that the school provides. Connecting with alumni also can help grow your network which can be beneficial when you are looking for internships or jobs later in your career.


Choosing a law school is a major decision that cannot be made hastily or taken lightly. Making sure to consider factors other than just the law school ranking will determine your success not just during school, but in your career after you graduate. Take the time to create a pros and cons list for each of the schools you are considering attending based on the five factors above to ensure that you match yourself to a school that will maximize your chance of success. Trust your gut instincts and remember to decide for yourself and to not let anyone else influence your choice.

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